Meaningful Life

Meaningful life - see Meaningful Life Roadmap

Make space for it via Simplest Thing game-rules.

3rd/highest level of life in Martin Seligman's Authentic Happiness model.

compare/contrast Meaning Of Life, Worldview Based Living, Rich Life

Cal Newport says: A Remarkable Life is one in which: (1) you do something Meaningful that you enjoy; (2) you have a flexible schedule that you control; and (3) you earn recognition and good (enough) compensation (Make Money). 2009-07-31-NewportRemarkableLife

Venkatesh Rao on "stakes" as a framing. Stakes are not costs. Stakes are why you care. Costs are what you pay... The minimum viable stakes seem to have indefinite reproductive potential. Stakes tend to be Turing-complete things like kids, robots, and other gene-meme things that might live forever in some sense.

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